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I didn't get a callback - does that mean I won't be cast in the show?Callbacks serve the purpose of seeing more from certain individuals, and getting more specific with what we need to see from them. If you didn't get a callback, it simply means we've seen what we need to see from you. It does not necessarily mean you won't be cast.
How do I know if I was cast?You will receive a phone call from the stage manager. Once everyone in the cast has been called and accepted their roles, the cast list will be posted online.
Will there be a dance audition at callbacks?Although only certain people will be called in for dance, come prepared. Wear comfortable clothes and appropriate footwear.
After the show is cast, when will we start rehearsals?"A regular, weekly schedule is set to begin the last week of June. Rehearsals usually run Monday through Thursday, 6:00 to 9:00pm, until tech week. Due to holidays/multiple outdates, some rehearsals will be held on the weekends. Until then, we will be looking at your calendars provided at auditions to determine rehearsal days to meet and start learning music, choreography, etc. A specific calendar will be posted to the cast only soon after the cast list goes up.
What do I need to prepare for auditions?Students are to prepare 32 bars of a song of their choice, preferably not from the show they're auditioning for. They should come with piano sheet music marked with the beginning and end of the 32-bar selection.
Do I need to attend both audition days?No - we offer two audition days in case students have scheduling conflicts.
Can I send in a video audition?Yes! Contact us prior to the audition date and a video submission can be arranged.
I'm in 8th grade, going into freshman year of high school - can I audition for both shows?"Yes. Both the mainstage and junior productions are open to graduating 8th graders. Students are invited and encouraged to audition for both shows.
Is there a tuition for PVST?Yes. There are full and partial scholarships available, as well as payment plans. Our philosophy is to not have money hinder a student from auditioning. We will make it work.
What does the tuition cover?We are a not for profit organization, so tuition covers the cost of the show: production fees, orchestra, lights, sound, costumes, etc.
Where is the auditorium?The auditorium is in the front of the building, opposite the football field. It is on the corner of E. Main Street and Browertown Road -- please see our Contact Us page for the proper GPS address.
When do tickets go on sale?The date for this season is to be determined, however tickets usually go on sale about a month before the show.
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